Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hunua Falls!!! Part 2

So as the story went, the trio (i'm going to switch to third person perspective, just for the fun of it) did climb up the steps, unharmed and not really bothered about harm anyway. The perilous journey taxed out the trio of retards, but the they still moved on and on, and keep themselves occupied with various random activities such as......

Running up the steps and posing from the top

Farting into each others face

well, go figure~

A fallen possum~

and forth marched the trio under the stench of the fallen possum til they reached a light~ and a signboard and a road~ seemingly astonished by the presence of a road, the trio decided that the rest of the journey will be on the road towards the dam~

Along the way, the trio ran into many many retards, and came to a conclusion that people who visit the dam become retarded because the walk is too far~ hmmmm......

Anyhow, they did manage to find some impressive things to do while walking up the to the dam~

Calling out for the rain god

The Korean discovered another long branch

The other two aesols discovered branches too!!

Mankind during the early stages of evolution.....impressive

So, they kept walking and walking, every now and then running into retards or random people who took a piss in the dam~

and walking~




ohh, a deadly looking cliff!!!!

The Korean attempting to survey the site for a nuclear plant

and they still kept walking~

the dam is really far away~

and they walked~


Cossey Creek Dam

Apparently this big hole, well, no one knows why there is a big hole in a dam

Attacking and claiming the dam in our name

View and a hairy leg

Another random view, are those sheeps there?

The trio rested themselves at the dam, talked rubbish for a moment and discovered echo, and started furiously screaming~ XD The korean discovered a communication breakthrough with a duck as the duck responded to his ducklike sounds~ and the trio made a tribute video for he-who-could-not-come~

As the chilling winds started to bite the exposed bodies of our explorers, they decided to leave the dam, and on the way out, we met a surprising character~

well, he is a long haired Labrador, i reckon he's just stoned~ XD

And after bidding farewell to the noble pooch in the truck, the trio walked all the way back to Hunua Falls, tired and exhausted, they decided to have some last kodak moments before calling it a day~

Well, he could still stand

He decided to sleep

And, he doesnt even know what to do

And that was how it all ended........ XD

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