its isnt wat it really seems is it? it seemed like we jz went out of a warfare phase, and poof, in comes another one~
alot of people, i mean, alot of people, point the finger to Israel, for all the chaos and calamity happening in the Gaza Strip, i too would do the same, but i would say that is Israel isnt totally to be blamed for all the deaths happening in the Gaza Strip~
The whole argument, well, violence in the gaza strip has started way way back in the good old days when gas was cheap, but the latest dispute, was due to stop missle barrages from the Hamas troops on the otherside of the strip~ doesnt really sound too fair, but its how the matter has evolved~
So, one of the main arguments of this matter is massive civilian death tolls on the Palestinen side?
Well, lets juzt see how bad it is~
As of now, the toll stands at 512 Palestine, 5 Israel
That is a pretty wicked number isnt it~
but why doesn't this seem to evoke other thoughts, except that of Israelis are war mongers?
If you had chewed into the the history of the crisis, ok, u didnt, i'll give you the gist:
Israel acquired much of the external lands it has now via the Six Day war with Jordan, Egypt and Syria, which as a gist , started out as a water problem, and after the war, Isreal wanted to trade the lands back for peace,
I quote from Wikipedia;
"Israel captured both territories in the 1967
Six-Day War; since then they have been under Israeli control. Immediately after the war, on June 19, 1967, the Israeli government offered to return the Golan Heights to Syria, the Sinai to Egypt and most of the West Bank to Jordan in exchange for peace. At the Khartoum Summit in September, the Arab parties responded to this overture by declaring "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel and no negotiations with Israel."
So, now i ask you, who is really responsible for the 512 deaths? I'd say ego, i will say it straightforward, i am not a racist or against any religion, but the root to all of this deaths are ego, leaders who refuse to give in, people who refuse to see beyond the world as presented to them, people who say violence is an answer to violence....look at it in this prespective, Arabs States, namely Jordan, Egypt and Syria, did wage war with Israel when it was first formed, and lost the war, and when Israel offered a chance for peace, they refused to accept it, and when matters worsen, Isreal decided to wage war, in my opinion, isnt the right thing to do either, but they have a solid argument for the war, their lands are being fired by rocket barrages and they want to stop it, and if the leaders of Hamas are really concerned about their civilian death tolls, they will put down their weapons and negotiate, but they wouldnt do that will they? Israel want rockets to stop coming, and it will hunt down these rocket zone and torch all life at it, civilian or not, because, its a clear cut issue, likewise Hamas to use suicide bombers against Isreali public, they will kill yor public too, not being unrealistic here, but this is how the wheels of war work, and i say why let it start in the first place? Hamas had many chances at peace, but refused to, and decided to wage on the the fight to eradicate Zionists, at the expense of its civilians deaths, so, if they really cared about their civilians, they will ask for a ceasefire and talk, because, shells will explode and kill inncent people, diliberate or not, because that is warfare, it isnt fair, thats why i say put down the guns and talk~ please, too many people are dying out there~