Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year~~

So, its a brand spanking new year ( nice, me like ), and i do have abit of resolutions in hand and in mind, well, its gonna be a matter of how long can i keep to the resolutions lol~~

So, what are my resolutions?? XD

  1. To be more serious at things ( well, m not sure wat things yet at this point of time~)
  2. To get the summer body ready by summer this year (sadly this was last year's resolution too~)
  3. I gotta ace all my papers this year, so need put my head into that
  4. well, basically thts sorted, nyone feel ny resolutions for me, please lemme know~
So, moving on, what is new year?

its jz a 10 minute celebration when the clock strikes on Jan 1, jz to be ignorant bout the fact that ure a year older, we've all lost a year, deposited into the memory rosary, and while sipping in our champange glasses, we wish and plan for a better year, that is new year, so if ure ugly, u aint getting prettier......XD wakakakkakakakaakakaka!!!!!

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